Do You Have To Tell The Police If You Have A Gun In The Car?
Failing to notify police about a firearm in your vehicle or transporting it improperly may lead to a criminal charge. Whether or not you’re required to notify law enforcement about having a gun in your car depends on several factors. Let’s take a look at these factors and how they can change based on your circumstances.
When can an Officer Search my Car in Illinois if Drugs are Presumed to Be in the Vehicle?
If your rights were violated, your attorney could file a motion to suppress the evidence obtained due to the search of your vehicle or even the initial stop of your vehicle, which may result in the dismissal of the charges against you.
Behind Bars: How Long Can You Be Held in Custody After an Arrest in Illinois?
If you are being held in custody, you have the right to a bond hearing to determine what amount, if any, is necessary for your release. Understanding your rights and working with an experienced criminal defense attorney to protect your rights and ensure the best possible outcome for your case is vital.
What Happens if I Refuse a Breathalyzer in Illinois
A DUI lawyer can help you navigate the legal system and work to minimize the potential consequences of your refusal.
Clean Slate: How to Erase Your Criminal Record in Illinois
Having a criminal record can be a significant barrier to employment, housing, and other opportunities. Fortunately, in Illinois, it is possible to have certain criminal records expunged or sealed.
What Should I Do if I'm Arrested in Illinois?
If you are arrested in Illinois, taking steps to protect your legal rights and interests is critical. By working with a skilled criminal defense lawyer, you can understand the charges against you, develop a strong defense strategy, and work towards the best possible outcome for your case.
The Truth about Interrogation: Can Illinois Police Use Deception to Get a Confession?
Yes, police officers in Illinois can legally lie to you during an interrogation. It is a common tactic law enforcement uses to elicit a confession or obtain incriminating information from a suspect.
Probable Cause as it Relates to Gun Charges.
Probable cause is an important consideration in cases involving gun charges. In some situations, it is a make or break in the States case. If you’re questioning whether the search that led to your gun charge was legal, read on to learn about how probable cause comes into play in your case. Then contact a criminal defense attorney to discuss the best way to handle your charges.
How to Beat a DUI Charge and Why You Need an Attorney
Being charged with and convicted of a DUI in Chicago can have huge repercussions on your driver’s license and your criminal history. Individuals who are able to avoid a conviction after being charged with DUI may not have to face some of the more serious consequences, which is a high motivation to fight back against allegations of driving under the influence. Here’s how you may be able to avoid a conviction for DUI, or better yet, beat a DUI charge.
Will a Traffic Ticket for an Accident Suspend my Illinois License?
Being issued a moving violation ticket after a car accident can feel like you’re being hit while you’re down. To make matters worse, these tickets don’t just come with a modest fine – they often cause the driver to lose their license. This can drastically affect your daily life and make it more difficult to get to work, take your children to school, or even pick up groceries.